Criminal Convictions Insurance.

Finding insurance with a criminal conviction is never guaranteed, however on a case by case basis we will do our best to assist.

If your convictions are for the following: Fraud, Theft, Dishonest, Arson, Malicious Damage then based on our experience, your chances of getting insurance are unlikely.

We have access to a large number of insurers and if there is a solution to finding you cover, we will do our best to assist.

Please contact us for confidential chat on 1800 97 98 99

Do I need to declare my convictions?

When discussing insurance, it's important to be honest and tell your insurer or broker anything a reasonable person in the circumstances would disclose.

You may think by withholding this information that it will help with the price, however come claims time you run the risk of your claim being denied and your insurance contract cancelled.

We have access to a large number of insurers and if there is a solution to finding you cover, we will do our best to assist.

We will do our best to assist with the following insurance: car insurance, home building and contents insurance, and business insurance.

Need help organising cover? Call us on 1800 97 98 99 or

Call us today!