Drone, RPA and UAV insurance

UAV's and Drones are aviation risks when it comes to insurance. Most business insurance policies will have exclusions in their Product Disclosure Statements when it comes to aviation risks. We can provide specific insurance solutions for the drone and UAV industry.

YES! We can cover hobby/private use drones as well as commercial use drones.

Cover Options for Drones

There are different types of cover options available for UAV's and they include:-

  • Hull/Material Damage - Cover for the UAV/Drone including the control stations.
  • Liability - Cover for Third Party Liability
  • Transit Cover Extension - Provides cover whilst the UAV/Drone is in transit
  • Spare Parts Extension - Covering of the spare parts / materials for the UAV/Drone

Why do I need insurance for my Drone?

Imagine you're flying your UAV and suddenly you lose control of your drone and it smashes into a vehicle or pedestrian. You are now faced with a damaged drone and a liability claim from the third party.

If you held cover for your drone with liability insurance you can rest assured your insurer will be there to protect you.

Whilst the above is unlikely, accidents do occur everday so it's important to make sure you're protected. With UAV's and Drones costing thousands of dollars can you afford not to be insured?

Does my current business insurance cover Drones?

Chances are your current business insurance excludes any aviation activity.

The average business owner may not be aware that many liability insurance policies exclude damage or injury arising from ownership, the use of, repairs to, or products sold for the purpose of Aircraft, or, in some policies 'anything that flies'.

Fortunately, we have access to insurers who can assist. Give us a call to arrange a UAV/Drone friendly business policy today.

Does my current contents insurance cover Drones?

Like many business insurance policies, your contents policy likely excludes cover for toy aircraft whilst in use.

We have access to insurers who can cover your drone for accidental damage and whilst they're in use.

Want Drone RPA and UAV Insurance? Call us on 1800 97 98 99

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